Sunday, January 6, 2013

Excel 2010 Name Box Parts

Return to Excel 2010 Name Box

Display Cell Reference of Active Cell

The name box will automatically display the Cell Reference of the active cell if the cell does not have a defined name.

For more information, see Displaying Cell Reference of Active Cell Using Name Box in Excel 2010.

Display Name of Selected Range

The name box will automatically display the name of a selected range if name has already been defined for the selected range.

For more information, see Display Name of Selected Range Using Name Box in Excel 2010.

Defining a Name

The name box can be used to define a name for a cell or a range of cells, simply by selecting what you want to name and typing the name in the name box.

For more information, see Defining a Name Using Name Box in Excel 2010.

Selecting Cell

The name box can be used to select a cell by simply typing in the address of the cell. For example if you want to select the cell in the second column of the third row, then you could just type B2.

For more information, see Selecting a Cell using the name box in Excel 2010.

Name Box List

The name box list is list of already named ranges. By selecting a name from the list it will select the range of cells the name represents. If the range is not currently visible it will activate the worksheet that contains the range. To open the Name Box list simple select the down area on the right of the Name Box.

For more information, see Selecting a Named Range using the Name Box in Excel 2010.

Remove Name

To remove or edit a name from the list of named ranges, use the Name Manager. The name manager can also add new named ranges.

For more information, see Excel 2010 Name Manager.

See Also

Excel 2010 Name Box Location

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