Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Excel 2010 Application Parts

Return to Excel 2010 Application

Excel 2010 Application Parts such as the Excel 2010 Quick Access Toolbar and the Excel 2010 Ribbon allow a unique customizable experience for each Excel user. These parts allow any unlimited amount of unique customization possibilities.

Application Menu

The application menu contains the restore, size, move, minimize, maximize and close application commands.

For more information, see Excel 2010 Application Menu.

Application Title Bar

The application title bar displays the workbook name of the active workbook if the workbook is maximized.

For more information, see Excel 2010 Application Title Bar.

Application Window Controls

The application window controls contains the Minimize, Restore, Maximize, and Close application window commands.

For more information, see Excel 2010 Application Window Controls.

Quick Access Toolbar

The quick access toolbar is a customizable menu that allows users quick access to commonly used commands specific to their needs.

For more information, see Excel 2010 Quick Access Toolbar.


The ribbon is a collection of tabs and groups that organize Excel 2010 Commands by a variety of useful categories.

For more information, see Excel 2010 Ribbon.

Formula Bar

The formula bar can be used to insert or edit functions, formulas and a variety of values within the active cell.

For more information, see Excel 2010 Formula Bar.


The workspace holds all the workbooks within the Excel 2010 Application. If any workbook is maximized the workspace will only show that one workbook.

For more information, see Excel 2010 Workspace.


A workbook is the primary type of file used with an Excel 2010 Application. There are many types of workbooks.

For more information, see Excel 2010 Workbook.

Status Bar

The status bar contains indicators and tools that allow the user to identify when certain actions occur or calculate key equations of the selected range.

For more information, see Excel 2010 Status Bar.

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